Click to watch the Safeguarding video in Arabic
Click to watch the Safeguarding video in Hindi
Parents can use this form to apply for ID cards for themselves, nannies, drivers, or extended family members who pick up and drop off their children. Please note that you can only complete the google form once you have signed in to your child’s ABAOMAN.ORG google account.
Residence ID Card FormThe Ministry of Education requires ABA to have a copy of all students' residence/civil ID cards. If you haven't submitted this information, please complete this form with your child's details and upload a copy of their residence/civil ID card.
MEDIA CONSENT FormStudents' photos/videos may be used on the ABA website, social media, or promotional materials. Please specify through this form whether you DO or DO NOT want your child's images used.
ABA seeks to be a safe haven for every member of our community. The Safeguarding policies and procedures outlined in the handbook guide our employees and families in matters related to the health, safety and care of all individuals at ABA. Our commitment to best practice for safeguarding in our international school environment is reflected in the whole-school strategic goals, which outline the purposeful and measurable actions taken to address the philosophies outlined in our Mission, Vision, and Values.
All staff employed at ABA must report suspected incidents of child abuse or neglect whenever the staff member has reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered, or is at risk of suffering abuse or neglect. Reporting and follow up of all suspected incidents of child abuse or neglect will be in accordance with Omani law and the child protection procedures resulting from this policy statement. The ABA administration shall be responsible for ensuring that screening and criminal background checks for staff are provided.
To fulfill the duty of care responsibilities towards all individuals in the school, ABA is also committed to embedding safeguarding policies, procedures, and guidelines for adults. If an interaction between staff members that makes an individual feel uncomfortable, disrespected, or harassed is disclosed, there will be an immediate follow-up investigation by the safeguarding team to determine appropriate action.
All parents/caregivers are required to acknowledge the ABA Safeguarding and Child Protection commitment as a part of the enrollment and re-enrollment process. It must be signed and explicitly stated that guardians of ABA students have read and accepted the policies and protocols in Safeguarding Handbook.
ABA Safeguarding Handbook Acknowledgement
Please fill in the form to acknowledge that you have read the 'Child Safeguarding Handbook'.
If you are a student at ABA and you want to share about your wellbeing or concerns for the wellbeing of a classmate, please click the box below. Please fill in the information on the form as best as you can and your counselor will follow up with you soon in a quiet and confidential manner.
Maria Trindade joined ABA in 2023 after working as an Early Years educator and taking over several leadership roles for the past 20 years. In addition to her role as the Designated Safeguarding Lead for the whole-school, Maria is also the Early Childhood Assistant Principal and the Assistant Admissions Director.
She works together with our educators to build a whole-school approach to safeguarding, focusing on the importance of wellbeing and safety as a foundation for learning.
Do you need to report a safeguarding issue or you would like to know more about safeguarding at ABA? You can email Maria at