Our Early Childhood Programme is based on a foundation of play.

At ABA Oman International School, our Early Childhood programme is designed for children aged 3 to 6 years, providing a safe, well-resourced, and inspiring learning environment. Grounded in the belief that play is the foundation of learning, our programme nurtures the development of essential skills, knowledge, and understanding under the guidance of our experienced Early Childhood teachers and teaching assistants.

We harness children's natural curiosity and eagerness to explore, encouraging them to inquire into themselves and the world around them. Our Early Childhood curriculum is aligned with the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) framework, offering a strong foundation that prepares students for future success in the elementary years.



Click the button below to sign-up for the ABA Early Childhood Open Day.



We offer the following classes in our Early Childhood programme. For K1 and K2 students, we operate mixed-age classes, described as family classes (FC).

Class Age Range Session Timing  Classes Students per class


(age 3 by 31st August)

7:30am-1:20 pm

2 16




(age 4 by 31st August)

7:30am-1:20 pm 2  


(age 5 by 31st August)

7:30am -2:30pm 3





Within our Family Classes, we roughly aim for one-third of students to be in the younger range and aim to keep the classes as balanced as possible between the two grades. 

We allocate children as K1 or K2 within our family classes based on their birthday and administrative purposes. Still, they are all considered to be unique and equal members of the learning community.

Each class has a dedicated Teacher and a Teaching Assistant. In addition, our FC and K3 students have access to specialist teachers for Physical Education, Music and Movement, and Library.

Learn more about Family Classes

The Four Domains

While children are learning many aspects of traditional subjects such as mathematics, reading and writing, science, art and more during their time in Early Childhood, we prefer to view their development more holistically.  ABA uses domains as lenses through which to bring each child’s learning into focus. Teachers use the domains to identify progress, plan for the next steps and report on your children’s development.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development





Physical Development

Gross motor development

Fine motor development

Active living


COGNITIVE Development

Mathematics: Number, Shape and Space, Measurement, Pattern and Function, Data Handling

Language: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, Presentation






In addition to the subject areas - mathematics, language arts, science and social studies - ABA also offers speciality programs with the following classes:

Information Communication Technology and Digital Citizenship

Kindergarten 2 and Kindergarten 3 students have scheduled lessons with the Early Childhood IT facilitator twice a week. They are introduced to and practice technology skills working independently and collaboratively. The skills are taught through activities that support the PYP Units of Inquiry and the stand alone curriculum. The IT facilitator supports student and teacher initiatives using a range of technologies.


In their weekly Library classes, Early Childhood students are encouraged to develop and share their love of books and reading. The children are introduced to fiction and non-fiction literature that often relates to their PYP Units of Inquiry. Students borrow books each week to take home and enjoy with their family and friends. We encourage parents to join our Library, too. 



PHE provides EC students with an exciting, safe and developmentally appropriate program which encourages children to explore movement both with and without equipment. Through a variety of activities students develop coordination, balance, strength as well as fine and gross motor skills. All students from K2 have weekly swimming classes and all students are expected to participate.

The Early Childhood Centre is a purposefully authentic environment that provokes children to learn and make sense of their world through exploration and inquiry.

ABA mindfully designs its classrooms and continuously enhances it to engage and challenge students' learning.  Our educators collaborate to provide safe and engaging environments where children learn about their world through play and relationships with peers, teachers, family and community members. Natural materials and loose parts (open-ended materials that have no specific purpose but can be used in a variety of ways) feature heavily in our classrooms. 

The EC Garden is a shared, central area that accommodates activities requiring ample space, such as Big Blocks, construction and role-play. It is an extension of the classroom, where we invite children to continue independent or small group work; and experiment and engage in meaningful learning and cultural activities. 

Sensory play, including engaging with sand, water and malleable materials such as playdough is essential for a child's development. It provides exciting tactile and sensory experiences that inspire curiosity, allows for world exploration and enhances language and creativity.  Children experience sensory play indoors and outdoors.

Two shaded playgrounds, equipped with developmentally appropriate structures, gardens, a mud kitchen, sandpits and tricycles are available to EC students.  The playgrounds are accessed during scheduled break-times as well as during learning times organised by the teachers.

Student Support at ABA

ABA Oman International School

is the LEADING INTERNATIONAL IB Continuum School in Oman

ABA is the first international school in Muscat to offer three levels of the International Baccalaureate programme - the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP) - the gold standard in University preparation.