Our ABA High School is an extraordinary place to learn.
Through building positive and productive relationships with students, our faculty can ensure every student feels valued and cared for. Combining this environment with highly effective approaches to learning and teaching, provides students with the optimum conditions to progress along their journeys.
ABA has a reputation for being a place where students not only achieve academically but also grow in confidence and develop the characteristics to graduate as fine young people and responsible global citizens.
Beyond the academic students experience a wide variety of opportunities that help to shape their character. Through the Model United Nations, Student Council, and student groups such as Students Against Prejudice and LOMA (Lending Out Monetary Assistance) our student body learns to seek and understand multiple perspectives, communicate effectively, negotiate, collaborate, find creative solutions and make decisions. Opportunities for students to participate in sport and the arts help to ensure ABA students graduate as well-rounded young people who are ready to thrive beyond their formal school years.
We recognise that students are more likely to be intrinsically motivated to learn when they have some choice. In preparation for admission or transition to Grade 9, students have some option in which subjects they choose within the IB MYP Framework, and then again further choice before embarking upon their two-year Diploma Programme. Selecting subjects in the DP will be heavily influenced by future careers, interests and passion for particular universities and courses. Our counselling team through our Student Life programme will prepare students for making choices about their futures and guide them and parents carefully through the university admissions processes should this be the pathway chosen. We can support students and families with university admissions all around the globe.
Students in Grade 9 to 10 complete the final two years of a five year IB Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) which begins in the Middle School. The IB MYP culminates in students having the opportunity to complete eAssessments, including onscreen examinations and achieving the IB MYP Certificate. In addition to being a valuable programme in its own right, the MYP is also the ideal preparation for success in IBDP. The Personal Project in the MYP prepares students for the Extended Essay in the Diploma, an interdisciplinary approach in the MYP helps to prepare students for the Theory of Knowledge course at DP.
Grades 11 and 12
Three paths of study at ABA
Every student who graduates from ABA receives the ABA High School Diploma, which is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
Students may then add on to this Diploma by either adding Diploma courses or achieving the full IB Diploma.
No matter what choice they make, students will be well prepared to take on the challenges of higher education and will leave ABA as caring, confident citizens of the world.
Over 90% of ABA students choose the Full IB DP Programme.
All students have been accumulating credits for their ABA High School Diploma since the start of Grade 9. The ABA High School Diploma is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools; this gives it international validity and is hence a widely accepted tool for university application. A good High School Diploma shows a strong transcript of grades. Consistency and strong attainment is important from a university application point of view.
Some students may opt for a pathway of IB courses. For full IB Diploma students are required to study three courses at Higher Level and three at Standard Level, and complete the core. Students opting to complete IB courses have more flexibility in the level and combination of courses as long as they are meeting our ABA requirements.
The DP is an enriched curriculum that includes first-year university concepts and material. DP students typically study Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, at least one individuals and societies course, at least one science, mathematics, and an optional sixth area of study in the Arts. They also engage in the ‘Diploma Core’ where they explore the Theory of Knowledge (ToK) a requirement that explores the nature of values and the essence of truth in various disciplines; write an Extended Essay and fulfill their Creativity, Action and Service -CAS requirements.
Diploma Programme students are well-rounded, multi-faceted, multi-skilled, and have studied in depth. They have good time-management skills. They score higher than other students in other national systems, and the IB score is worldwide the same measure.London School of Economics, Hrilina Lock, Undergradate Admissions Manager
At the heart of all of the IB programmes are enrichment activities designed to help students shape their learning and develop their Approaches to Learning skills of Self-Management, Research, Social, Thinking and Communication.
At ABA, we see this as a continuum where we can continue to develop the whole student across their entire career as an ABA student.
CAS and Extended Essay
In the High School at ABA, the importance of the IB Core is highlighted by all students having to complete their CAS obligations and write an Extended Essay Project during their four years.
Within the IB's Middle Years Programme, CAS is called Service Learning. Both programs offer an opportunity for connection between classroom learning and a service-oriented action.
CAS: Creativity, Activity and service
All students in Grade 9 to 12 take CAS. For students who do not have a range of extra-curricular pursuits, ABA offers a vast array of clubs and activities. Students should have a balance between the three strands to ensure significant personal development. For IB Diploma students, CAS is required to qualify for the Diploma - and students have to engage in a CAS project extended over time. Our CAS Coordinator will ensure all students are participating in a wide range of clubs and activities whilst in the High School at ABA. Universities look for a wide range of interests and pursuits, CAS at ABA ensures our students are over-qualified in this area.
The Creativity component involves activities that provide opportunities for personal growth through exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance. Students might join a band or choir, write articles or design pages for a student publication or shoot photos with the Photography Club.
Activity-oriented experiences include opportunities in both team and individual sports, as well as recreational activities that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
Service is the collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need. Students can take part in individual experiences or join team-based service projects and service clubs.
The Theory of Knowledge
Critical thinking is no longer just an asset, it’s an essential skill to deal with and evaluate the volume of information the digital revolution has served up. In ToK, students ask and are asked the BIG questions. They learn how to make valid points and counterpoints, the development history and methodology behind areas of knowledge such as the Natural Sciences, History, or the Arts. In studying ToK, students see the connections between their subjects and understand how we come to know what we think we know. IB graduates often come to regard ToK as one of the most important courses they took whilst at school. Once again, it is excellent preparation for undergraduate work.
Extended Essay
All IB Diploma students also complete a 4000-word project in any subject they wish. This self-autonomous, but faculty-supervised essay is incredible evidence of suitability for undergraduate study.
Creating a goal for myself gave me a sense of direction.
Fatma Hani al Bahrani, Class of 2020
Preparing for life beyond ABA
The most important part of this process is finding the right fit which involves getting to know each student personally and goes through your final decision as a senior. We believe in nurturing the self-awareness necessary to choose not just the best school, but the best school for you. At ABA, our University and College Counsellor will work closely with you and your family to provide attractive options and choice at the end of the process. Along the selection journey, students will have many different opportunities to be exposed to various colleges and universities including ;meetings on campus or webinars with college admissions representatives and guest speakers.
What Student Support Does ABA Have?
- How does ABA help children whose first language is not English?
- can ABA accommodate my child who has extra learning needs?
- What is ABA's child protection policy?
- Does ABA have Student Counselling?